Welcome to enterprise-arkitektur.dk


The ambition for this site is to offer EA links and resources of interest for the Danish EA community.


The collection of material and construction of the repository is currently taken place and until the first release of this site is launched - please visit other EA resources in the community - like:


Enterprisearchitecture.dk and especial two sub categories;

-         links.enterprisearchitecture.dk for blogs and resources around the web

-         links.enterprisearchitecture.dk/eabooks for EA book rating


aEAdanmark.dk - The Danish chapter of Association of Enterprise Architects


DIT.dk - Danish IT Society (Dansk-IT) - find EA in the governance and IT management area.


EA.OIO.dk - EA guidelines for the public sector


For any questions or comments - please contact Anders Ejlev (ae-at-enterprise-arkitektur-dot-dk)


August 2012